Aerobics pioneer says it’s never too late to get healthy (The State)
“Start Strong, Finish Strong: Prescriptions for a Lifetime of Great Health,” by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper and Dr. Tyler C. Cooper (Avery, $24.95) After about age 30, the “unattended” human body begins to fall apart: We lose strength, bone mass, aerobic capability, energy and immune function. Eyesight and mental acuity begin to deteriorate, joints ache, metabolism slows, and skin sags. But it doesn’t ...*http%3A//
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Freshman 15? Think again. (Detroit Free Press)
Unlimited access to all-you-can-eat dining halls. Late-night partying and pizzas. Studying fueled by high-fat snacks.*http%3A//
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Cubs fans never lose hope (Quad-City Times)
CHICAGO — Skip never lost hope. Not to the very end. Even as his dreams of a Chicago Cubs World Series were about to melt away into an unseasonably steamy October night, he wasn’t ready to concede.*http%3A//
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Not all types of fat are harmful (The Star)
While it has long been held that too much fat in the liver may result in diabetes, researchers appear to have discovered that not all types of fat are harmful.*http%3A//
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Obesity increases the risk of developing cancer (ANI via Yahoo! India News)
London, Oct 9 (ANI): Researchers have found that obesity increases the risk of developing a number of cancers, including breast, womb and prostate cancer. Professor Jane Wardle, the director of Cancer Research UK's health behaviour unit, said that being overweight or obese upsets the metabolic environment and accelerates cell damage as well as the fat secreting hormones that could trigger ...*http%3A//
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DREW SHARP: Roy Williams out of touch; millionaires forget what it's like to be regular Joe (Detroit Free Press)
It wouldn't hurt Roy Williams to accept Pizza Hut's offer to spend a day delivering pizzas, with the proceeds going to charity. It would reacquaint the Lions' wide receiver with a perspective millionaire athletes lose once they sign that first fat contract. There's nothing "regular" about the life of a professional athlete. They don't understand that regular folks must work multiple jobs to make ...*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Weight Loss Can Control Hypertension
September 28, 2007 -- An Italian study has identified overweight as a direct cause of high blood pressure. And it also showed that up to half of overweight people can bring ...
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Sorting the wheat from the chaff (
There's a lot of confusion surrounding carbohydrates: Are they good or bad for us? Is a low-carb diet a good way to lose weight? You need carbohydrates to function.*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Daily News - Joe Sixpack | Create test, learner's permit for safer teen drinking
September 14, 2007 -- ANOTHER college semester is under way, and that means another million freshmen will be learning about alcohol the hard way, from beer bongs to ritual ...
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Ebony - The Rev Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant: from G.E.D. to PH.D. and a global mission
September 1, 2007 -- In the vein of "call and response," Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant says, "Somebody say, 'Preach, Black man!'" And the congregation ...
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