Belly fat, weight cycling ups kidney cancer risk (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese appear to have a greater risk of developing, renal cell carcinoma, a common form of kidney cancer, and study findings suggest that a larger waist girth and a history of weight loss and regain further increase this risk.*http%3A//
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September 1, 2007 -- Imagine a market in which you have no control over how your product is displayed, in which the regulation is stifling, and in which you are subject to ...
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Your current topic is “burn fat” (Lifetime)
Q: When does one actually burn fat? I heard that fat isn't burned until 20 minutes into a cardio activity. My friend says fat is only burned when you ...*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - The winner's circle
September 1, 2007 -- I was fat. Not chubby, voluptuous or even big-boned. When I started high school I was 5' and 180 pounds. I was called names and had few friends. I had ...
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TAMESIDE Hospital could lose its outstanding children’s and maternity services in a region-wide NHS shake-up ... see the latest on our campaign to save them.*http%3A//
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Debra Pugh column: How senior citizens can burn body fat 09-30-2007 (Plainview Daily Herald)
Have you noticed that the older you get the harder it is to lose body fat? Do you have to eat less food to maintain your weight? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you are not alone.*http%3A//
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September 17, 2007 -- DEAR ABBY: After a 10-year battle, I recently lost my husband to Alzheimer's disease. My darling was handsome, brilliant and athletic, a chemist and an avid golfer. Our family was confused and conce
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Not all types of fat are harmful (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
While it has long been held that too much fat in the liver may result in diabetes, researchers appear to have discovered that not all types of fat are harmful.*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Daily News - Joe Sixpack | Create test, learner's permit for safer teen drinking
September 14, 2007 -- ANOTHER college semester is under way, and that means another million freshmen will be learning about alcohol the hard way, from beer bongs to ritual ...
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Shape - The truth about detox diets: how they actually slow down your metabolism, plus shortcuts for cooking a healthy meal after work
September 1, 2007 -- Q A friend of mine lost a lot of weight by doing a detox diet. Are they healthy for you? A There are certainly better ways for you to drop a few pounds.
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